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Keyword Targeting

Pay Per Click Keyword Targeting

Our research shows that more specific low volume phrases (“long tails”), geo-targeted terms, and branded keywords provide a much higher ROI. Our team aids clients in creating a more comprehensive keyword campaigns that broaden their campaign reach and at the same time decreases their cost per lead.

Targeting Methods

Currently, Yahoo and Google both utilize a number of different methods for targeting specific sponsored keyword ads to the actual keyword phrases being search on.

Yahoo Search Google Adwords
Standard (Default)
Content (Default On)
Broad (Default)
Content (Default On)


There will be a significant difference in the traffic and costs per click related to one targeting method or another. “Broad match” targeting method will generate the most traffic, but often has a lower ROI because it will also return off target matches. A more specific matching method like “Exact Match” often show better returns, but often fail to return enough visitors. It is our recommendation that campaigns should involve a mix of all targeting strategies.

Broad Match

Broad Match will allows your ad to show on similar phrases and relevant variations.

Phrase Match

Phrase Match will allows your ad to show for searches that match the exact phrase.

Exact Match

Exact Match will allows your ad to show for searches that match the exact phrase exclusively.

Negative Match

Negative Match will ensures your ad doesn’t show for any search that includes that term.

Content Advertising

To add to the complexity of sponsoring advertising, both Google and Yahoo now offer Content Ads (as supplied through Google AdSense). Instead of showing up in the search engines search results, content ads are sold to web site publishers who place the ads on their web pages. Although much less costly, the results vary greatly, and at this time we rarely recommend new advertisers to use this.

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